创建bck体育官网 & 知识产权大会聚焦创新

学生创业项目展示, 研究型企业家获得45美元奖金,在好时举行的为期两天的会议上,他获得了1000万美元的资金
Dr. 卡伦金 and Andrew Read speak sitting on a stage in front of an 创建bck体育官网 & IP会议品牌屏幕,前方是满座的观众

Interim Senior Vice President for Research Andrew 里德主持了一次炉边谈话,与最近任命的医学院院长. 凯伦·金在2023发明bck体育官网创业公司 & 知识产权会议,在好时举行. They discussed new opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration across Penn State and the commonwealth to empower technological and medical advancement.

Credit: Susan L. Angstadt

宾夕法尼亚州. ——bck体育官网学生, faculty and alumni entrepreneurs joined with venture firms and startup founders from across the United States for the 2023创建bck体育官网 & IP会议, 10月举行. 在好时的好时旅馆16-17号. 

2023年的会议聚集了400多名与会者, 包括63家初创公司, 40个投资者和16个赞助商, 共同推动企业家的努力, 研究人员和其他人进入他们业务的下一个阶段. 大西洋中部最大的科技创业会议之一, the event highlights innovation from high-growth and emerging markets and expands Penn State’s diverse technological and entrepreneurial research efforts. 

“今年的冒险 & IP会议 featured diverse and informative speaker sessions which provided attendees with new perspectives and impactful, 可操作的建议,以成长和实现他们的目标,詹姆斯·德拉特说, associate vice president for research and director of the Office of Entrepreneurship and Commercialization. “Hosting the conference in 好时 this year enabled us to showcase the leadership, 创新和设施的 bck体育官网医学院. The conference also showcased some of Penn State’s most promising entrepreneurial endeavors, 以及bck体育官网研究产生的颠覆性技术, 哪些正在努力让世界变得更美好.” 

The conference kicked off with opening remarks from Interim Senior Vice President for Research Andrew Read and presentations from eight Penn State student entrepreneurs during the Student Startup Showcase. 每位企业家都获得了2000美元,以帮助他们的公司向前发展. 

Each student startup was selected based on the startup’s successful participation in the 创造bck体育官网 暑期创始人计划公司.你的竞争 or LaunchBox和创新网络 编程.  


  • 玛丽·理查森, a senior pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business administration from 宾州州立大学. 她的公司, Bindr, is an all-inclusive dating app that provides a safe online space for bisexual individuals.
  • Justin Leusner, a junior pursuing a degree in corporate innovation and 创业 from the 斯麦商学院. 他的公司, TDAY体育, gives Generation Z sports content catered to their interests and social platform usage.
  • Eric Leon,大四学生 施赖尔荣誉学院 student pursuing dual degrees in biomedical engineering and mechanical engineering from the 工程学院,并附上证书 人道主义工程和社会企业家精神. 他的公司, 短促声波警报, features an innovative application providing reliable news in challenging African environments.
  • 诺兰派伊, a senior 施赖尔荣誉学院 student pursuing a degree in computer engineering from the 工程学院. 他的公司, Preventi, features a treatment reminder app designed to simplify medication adherence and increase health literacy education for patients.
  • Omar Rady, a senior pursuing a degree in computer science from the 工程学院. 他的公司, OfferPilot, 提供解决方案,帮助学生找到并获得入门级职位, 从构建一个完美, 为求职信量身定制简历.
  • Zoelie Rivera-Ocasio, a doctoral candidate pursuing a degree in soil sciences from the 农业科学学院. 她的公司, 颜料和颜料, 使用天然原料生产土基涂料, 无毒, environmentally conscious ingredients and high-grade materials for artists and children.
  • Anish Nangare, a junior pursuing a degree in enterprise technology integration from the bck体育官网科学与技术学院. 他的创业, 圣人艺术, is a platform created with the goal of helping young digital artists earn profits through their art.
  • 哈立德·乔丹(Khalid Jordan)是一名大三学生,攻读商科学位,主修市场营销 宾州州立大学白兰地酒. 他的公司YozoraTs是一家动漫t恤公司. 

为期两天的活动还包括Venture 连接ion, a match-making event between entrepreneurs and venture capitalist investors who are pre-paired based on industry and capital needs, 在其他关键标准中. 

大会的第一天以科技竞赛结束, a showcase of disruptive technologies and early-stage companies born of Penn State’s robust and diverse research enterprise. 八名竞争者争夺总计4.5万美元的创新奖. 科技比赛的优胜者包括: 

  • 第一名(25美元,000英镑的奖金授予了liongglass, 一个正在申请专利的玻璃成分家族,提供, 第一次, 替代标准钠钙硅酸盐玻璃, 将玻璃工业的碳足迹减少50%以上. 
  • 第二名(10美元),000英镑的奖金授予Opthalmize公司, 一个小, biodegradable tear-duct implant that gradually releases the anti-inflammatory drug Bromfenac over 30 days. 
  • 10美元,“千人选择奖”颁给了Lightscline Data Reduction AI, which reduces up to 90% of sensor data analytics costs by teaching machines to focus on the 10% important data. 

Entrepreneurs and investors also had the opportunity to participate in multiple panel discussions throughout the two-day event, 他们在哪里听说和了解到知识产权和融资, 在其他当前话题中. 

学生创业展示会后, 里德主持了一次炉边谈话,与最近任命的医学院院长. 卡伦金. They discussed new opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration across Penn State and the commonwealth to empower technological and medical advancement. 

会议还包括菲利普·加斯金的主题演讲, 创业副总裁 尤因·马里昂·考夫曼基金会. 他分享了考夫曼基金会“企业家获得资本:消除障碍,” a report highlighting the need for increased funding of companies led by marginalized founders. 

活动结束时,美国联邦调查局局长埃里克·尤厄尔(Eric Ewell)在炉边聊天 monvalley LaunchBox由bck体育官网大阿勒格尼分校提供支持的普通合伙人罗德尼·桑普森 100个黑色天使 & 盟友基金. The two discussed Sampson’s impressive background as one of three Black co-founders in the early 2000s whose high-growth technology startups raised more than $1 million in angel and venture capital and were subsequently acquired for eight figures.  

要了解更多关于bck体育官网附属创业公司的bck体育官网,请访问 启动导航器. 要查看更多bck体育官网正在开发的技术,请访问 IP导航器. 要查找更多英联邦的创业资源,请访问 资源导航器


创建bck体育官网是一项全国性的倡议,旨在刺激经济发展, 创造就业机会和学生事业成功. 发明bck体育官网混合创业为重点的学术课程, 创业培训和孵化, 商业化资金, and university/community/industry collaborations to facilitate the challenging process of turning research discoveries into valuable products and services that can benefit 宾西法尼亚ns and humankind.    

This project was financed in part by a grant from the commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚, 社区事务署 & 经济发展.